Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Start an Online Jewelry Business

yellow jewelry |zirconia necklace |

Third, you should not just think that your site should be the by all and end all of your business. You need to consider some SEO methods or search engine optimization methods that will increase your site's presence on the internet. Look over the many SEO methods which can increase your SERP ranking and presence on the web.

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Finally, you should not stop doing your offline business. Print out business cards, brochures or catalogues which feature the same items which you sell online. Go to flea markets, jewelry expos and other gatherings where people can see your jewelry.

Before you actually begin on developing a website where you can sell your jewelry, it would be good to consider testing the waters first. You can go around and talk to people, bring your stuff and ask their opinions and see how well you fair in the business. This way, when you do start on your online jewelry business, you would already have the contacts, the suppliers and the know-how of the jewelry business. A word of warning though: the development of the website may take some time so you need to just relax and continue your sales offline until you finally can go online.

Second, once you have designed your site, you should look to web hosting services. If you really do not have the budget you can think of the free web hosts but these can be very limiting and your site can be easily spammed. It is better to consider shared web hosting for starters for there are great deals out there. Although the server is shared between your site and others, your site would be managed and protected. If your business picks up and there is already a lot of traffic coming in, then it is time to consider upgrading to a dedicated server web host.

First, you should take digital images of all of your creations and those which are supplied to you by your suppliers. The digital images should then be filed in your computer so you could just drag and drop them onto the site which you are developing.

yellow gold pearl stud earrings |By Addy Williams on June 02, 2011

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